ASK FATHER: How long after death can Last Rites be given? (2024)

In the last few hours some of you havesent similar questions.


How long after death can the Sacrament of Anointing be administered?

Sometimes we say “Last Rites”, though technically Last Rites includes Penance, Anointing and Viaticum (Eucharist), and hopefully the Apostolic Pardon. We can loosely use “Last Rites” sometimes to describe simple anointing.

It seems that these questions today are prompted by a new report that the late Justice Antonin Scalia (how great was his loss!) was anointed by a priest some hours after he was discovered to have died.

The question is: Shouldanointing be administered several hours after death or is that too late?

Keeping in mind that sacraments can only be received by people who are alive, there are two groups of sacraments, sacraments of the living and sacraments of the dead. In this case “dead” means dead in mortal sin even though the person is drawing breath. Thus, the sacraments of the dead are Baptism and Penance. The sacraments of the living are to be received by the living, thus, Confirmation, Matrimony, Orders… Anointing. Anointing is special in that when the recipient is incapable of making a confession of sins, the sacrament can also forgive sins. However, Anointing is normally to be received in the state of grace. That generally means that the recipient has recently been absolved in sacramental confession.

So, to whom and when is the Sacrament of Anointing to be given?

The law about who receives the sacrament is clear:

Can. 1004 §1. The anointing of the sick can be administered to a member of the faithful who, having reached the use of reason, begins to be in danger due to sickness or old age.

And there is the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

1514 “The anointing of the sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived.”

Common points? Danger of death… sick and old age.

And… you have to be alive!

I have written extensively on the issue of sickness and danger of death elsewhere on this blog. For example HERE. I’ll leave those aside as not pertinent. We are dealing here with someone who is apparently dead.

That leads us back to the question of anointing people who seem already to have died. A person who is dead cannot receive a sacrament, therefore a sacrament should not be attempted to be administered.

Some might interject here that Our Lord raised Lazarus from death after three days. That is a special instance, He being GOD and all. And, the Lord’s purposeful three days delay made it clear that Lazarus was truly dead. Corruption had set in. Lazarus would clearly not have been a candidate for anointing.

The problem is that the Church hasn’t defined exactly when a person is dead because, frankly, we just don’t know.

We know that death occurs when the soul separates from the body definitively.

It may be that the separation occurs suddenly.It may be that the separation occurs gradually. It may be that it occurs swiftly. It may be that it occurs slowly. It could be different for one person than for another. We all have heard stories of the resuscitation of those who have died, even apparently for some length of time. It would seem that, in those cases, the soul had not left the body in a definitive way.

ASK FATHER: How long after death can Last Rites be given? (2)

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Since we are Unreconstructed Ossified Manualists around here, we must consult the wisdom of our forebears!

Back in the day before many medical developments, moral theologians in their manuals wrote that in the case of apparent death, anointing could be administered conditionally. The form for the anointing is changed slightly to introduce the condition of life, that is, by adding the words, “Si vivis… if you are now living (then…)”. In this way, the integrity of the sacrament is preserved and, if it is possible that the person is alive, then hopefully she receives the effects.

Also, in the old manuals of theology, there was discussion of the point made before, about the way the soul separates from the body.

In Sabetti-BarrettI found:

Quid sacerdoti agendum sit, si an aegrotum accedat, eumque modo mortuum, ut vulgo dicitur, inveniat?

Jam age ex sententia plurimorum medicorum doctissimorum probabile est homines in omnibus ferme casibus post instans mortis, ut vulgo dicitur, seu post ultimam respirationem intus aliquandiu vivere, brevius vel diutius, juxta naturam causae quae mortem induxit. In casibus mortis ex morbis lenti progressus probabile est vitam interne perdurare aliquot momenta, sex circiter, vel, juxta quosdam peritos, unam dimidiam horam: in casibus vero mortis repentinae vita interna perdurat longuis, forte non improbabiliter, usque ad putrefactionem. Ideo si sacerdos advenerit moraliter eodem tempore, quo mors sive ex morbo ordinario sive ex accidente aliquo repentino communiter censetur ingressa, potest et, ut nobis videtur, debet sacerdos praedicta duo sacramenta conditionate conferre. Et idem censemus tenendum si in casibus aegritudinis ante dimidiam horam, et in casibus accidentis repentini ante horam ab ingressu mortis apparentis sacerdos advenerit. Quod si tamen respirationem sed ante corruptionem advenerit potest sacramenta administrare: quod autem debeat, sapientioribus relinquo decernedum.”

In a nutshell, this says that if in most cases a person dies suddenly of natural causes then there is probably still some life remaining after the last breath. In the case of a slow death from illness it may remain for a few minutes maybe six or, according to some experts 30 minutes. (See how the authors are divided… auctores scinduntur.) In the case of a sudden death some life might remain longer, even perhaps to the point of putrefaction. If a priest finds the person and he is morally certain that he is there inthe time that life could still be present to some extent he can and indeed ought toanoint, but conditionally. In the case of illness the author thinks that a half hour is the length of time that the priest has to get there after apparent death from illness and one hour in the case of sudden death. If, after that time but before corruption sets in, he can anoint. Whether or not he ought to the author leaves to those wiser than he.

Some of you might be saying,

“But Father! But Father! Vatican II did away with rules. Pope Francis said so! All sacraments should be given to everyone all the time. You are very mean and you have made me sad. I need to be anointed now because of you. Francis says you’re a … a… moralistic quibbler! Andyou hate Vatican II!”

Thanks. Not to nit-pick, but I prefer moralisticdoryphore.

Even though there have been scientific advances since these old manuals came out, they contain good theological principles and common sense. For centuries, and often now, priests don’t find the moribund or deceased in rooms with machines pumping artificial life around the place and taking measurements of brain activity that none of us can perceive without sophisticated thing-bobs.In most cases we have to deal with situations without the help of fantastic gadgets. We have to determine our course by foundational principles, keen observation of facts, and common sense.

Also, let’s not forget, we must always treat all sacraments with reverential awe. They are sacred moments of encounter with the living God, wreathed in mystery, simultaneously terrifying and alluring.

Sacraments aren’t lollipops that you get from the nice doctor because the shot made you sad.

Based on our reading, above, a priest has latitude in the administration of the sacrament of anointing of a person who is apparently dead.

I think the distinction of death after long illness and sudden death is helpful. The idea in the manual I consulted is, I think, that long illness means that the person has been dying for a long time, so the separation of the soul and body will be swifter after the last breath. In the case of sudden death, the body hasn’t been dying, so the life principle remains longer.

Thus, it seems to me that if a priest arrives after death from a long illness within a short time, a half hour or so, he can and probably should anoint conditionally. If it is a case of sudden death, such as from an accident, a sudden heart attack when otherwise seemingly healthy, violence, etc., then the priestcan and should anoint up to an hour after, but he can, conditionally, until corruption starts to set in. That might meanrigor mortis, I don’t know.

How important it is for us to be mindful of our death and the death of loved ones? We don’t know the minute or the day. Having a plan when there is serious illness or need, having phone numbers handy, even having a card with the Apostolic Pardon on it for a priest to use… these are important. You should have a proper sick call set in your homes. You should make frequent use of the Sacrament of Penance and, each day during the day, say your prayers. Ask God, perhaps through the intercession of your Guardian Angel and St. Joseph, to preserve you from a sudden and unprovided death.

Remember: Once you are dead, that’s it. We’ve looked at issues of how long that takes, but at the moment you are truly dead… that’s it. You immediatelygo to your Particular Judgment. There is no turning back. A hundredbishops could stand over you pouring any amount of oil and chanting the words repeatedly in every language known to man. Nada. Nichts. Nothing. Niente. Nichevo. Nihil. Too late.

At the moment of your Particular Judgment your eternal destiny will be irrevocably determined at the throne of the Just Judge, the King of Fearful Majesty. You will stand before God and everythought, word, act, and omission during your entire life will be laid bare and put into the scales of justice. It will be determined if you died in God’s friendship or not. If in his friendship, is thereyeta need for purification and expiation of temporal punishment due to sins? Do you still have attachments to sin or hadn’t taken care of your obligations in justice yet? All your deeds and, indeed, all your intentions will be weighed.

After your judgment there are only three options, two are eternal:heaven, purgatory, or hell.

“For the hope of the wicked is as dust, which is blown away with the wind, and as a thin froth which is dispersed by the storm: and a smoke that is scattered abroad by the wind: and as the remembrance of a guest of one day that passeth by” (Wis. 5:15).

By mortal sin yourcut yourself off from God. You send yourselfto hell.

So… pray, do penance, perform good works, examine your consciences, make good plans for spiritual discipline, fulfill your vocations, learn and practice your Faith, make good Communions, use sacramentals and partake in good devotions and…


ASK FATHER: How long after death can Last Rites be given? (2024)


How soon can last rites be given? ›

If a person is dying, even if death is still months away, call the priest and request last rites so that the dying person is ready should death come sooner than expected. There is great danger in waiting to administer last rites until the person is unconscious.

What is the protocol for last rites? ›

Last rites, also known as the sacraments of the dying, are a set of rituals and prayers performed for a person who is in danger of death. The rites include the anointing of the sick, confession, communion, and the apostolic pardon when performed for Catholics.

What happens if a Catholic does not get the last rites? ›

As Canon No. 1005 in the Code of Canon Law indicates, though, the sacrament of anointing may still be administered if there is doubt as to whether death has occurred. If the person has already died, the priest instead chooses from the prayers for the deceased in his ritual book (Pastoral Care of the Sick).

Can a priest give last rights after death? ›

In cases like this, the priest will administer the sacraments with the assumption that the person is still alive. Most priests will do this if the apparent death happened within 20 or 30 minutes. But no one would anoint a corpse already in the morgue.

Do you go straight to heaven if you receive last rites? ›

It does not guarantee someone will go straight to Heaven, but it clears everything off the road, so to speak, so that the soul can freely choose to run toward the arms of Jesus. The prayer is a supreme act of mercy and has great power, drawing on the authority given to Saint Peter to “bind and loose” (Matthew 16:19).

When should you call a priest for the last rites? ›

A priest should be called whenever a Catholic is in danger of dying so that he or she may receive the Last Rites. The complete ritual includes Confession and Absolution, the Apostolic Pardon (a plenary indulgence), Anointing of the Sick, and Viaticum (Holy Communion).

Are sins forgiven at last rites? ›

The last rites, or Commendation of the Dying, is separate from the sacrament of anointing of the sick, but it may be celebrated in addition to the sacrament. It includes the apostolic pardon, the full pardon and remission of all sins, including mortal sins, if these were not forgiven in the sacrament of penance.

What are the 3 last rites? ›

Last Rites are the sacraments received when a person is nearing death. When a person is in danger of death a priest may be called in order that dying persons might receive the last rites, which include Confession, Anointing of the Sick (formerly extreme unction) and final reception of holy Communion (Viaticum).

Who should perform last rites? ›

Traditionally, Hindu funeral rites take the form of chants or mantras which are overseen by an officiant, usually a Hindu priest or the eldest son of the bereaved. They will gather the family and friends and lead them in the various Hindu death rituals.

Can a lay person do last rites? ›

Last Rites are performed traditionally by Roman Catholic priests and are part of their responsibilities and duties within the Catholic Church. However, if a priest is unavailable, the sacraments can also be performed by a bishop, deacon, or trained layperson (a non-ordained member of the church).

Can a divorced Catholic receive last rites? ›

Catholics who are divorced and remarried outside of the Church may receive the Sacrament of Anointing and Last Rites if they are in danger of death. For more information about Anointing of the Sick or administration of the Last Rites, contact the parish office in the parish where you participate.

Can a non Catholic receive last rites from a priest? ›

They may also be given to baptized non-Catholics “who cannot approach a minister of their own community and who spontaneously ask for them, provided that they demonstrate the Catholic faith in respect of these sacraments and are properly disposed” (canon 844).

When can you receive last rites? ›

They may be administered to those awaiting execution, mortally injured, or terminally ill. Last rites cannot be performed on someone who has already died. Last rites, in sacramental Christianity, can refer to multiple sacraments administered concurrently in anticipation of an individual's passing.

What is the last prayer before death? ›

Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him/her. May he/she rest in peace. Amen. May almighty God bless us with his peace and strength, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

What happens at the hour of death for Catholics? ›

So at the moment of death, the soul separates from the body, is judged immediately, and enters either heaven (immediately or through purgatory) or hell. (For scriptural evidence of this, see Luke 16:22; 23:43; 2 Cor.

Can you get last rites before surgery? ›

You may ask to receive the sacrament any time you are to undergo surgery under general anesthetic and when you have a serious injury or illness. Advanced age may also be a sufficient reason too.

What is the difference between last rites and Anointing of the Sick? ›

Last Rites are the set of prayers and Sacramental activities that occur as someone is preparing to die, when it's pretty clear that that person is dying, in the process of dying. Anointing of the Sick is a Sacrament that is given for the healing–bodily healing and spiritual healing–of a person who is seriously ill.

What is the last blessing before death? ›

Last rites often conclude with the apostolic pardon—a prayer beseeching God to welcome the person to life eternal: “Through the holy mysteries of our redemption, may Almighty God release you from all punishments in this life and in the life to come.

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