Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (2024)

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  • How Raid Challenges Work

  • Illuminated Torment

  • Psionic Purge

  • Crossfire

  • Shields Up

  • Cosmic Equilibrium

  • Singular Orbit

  • All Hands

  • Synchronicity

Destiny 2's Root of Nightmares raid features eight raid challenges for experienced Guardians to tackle. There are two challenges for each encounter, and half of RoN's challenge rotate on a weekly basis. Completing these challenges is required for the Dream Warrior title and increases the drop chance of Conditional Finality, this raid's Exotic Shotgun.

Related: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To The Root Of Nightmares Raid

As with most raid challenges in Destiny, Root of Nightmares' challenges are fairly straightforward but can be tricky for newcomers. This guide will showcase how to complete all eight raid challenges for Root of Nightmares, providing tips and strategies for both experienced players and less experienced LFG teams.

This guide assumes you understand the core mechanics of the Root of Nightmares raid. If you've never cleared this raid before, check out our Root of Nightmares guide for a breakdown on all mechanics and encounters.

How Raid Challenges Work

Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (1)

Most raids in Destiny 2 feature two sets of challenges:

  • Weekly Challenges: These rotate weekly, affecting a single encounter. There is always one weekly challenge active for Root of Nightmares.
    • Other raids have all weekly challenges unlocked when they're featured as the pinnacle raid of the week.
  • Triumph Challenges: These can be completed at any time and have their requirements specified in their Triumph description.

In essence, weekly challenges are time-sensitive while Triumph challenges are not. For Root of Nightmares, there are four weekly challenges and four Triumph challenges. Each challenge you complete will increase the drop chance of Conditional Finality, the raid's Exotic weapon. All challenges must also be completed to earn the raid's Dream Warrior title.

For this article, we'll be listing the challenges as they're presented in-game. To check which Triumphs you need, head to the "Journey" menu from your inventory and select the "Triumphs" banner. Select "Neomuna" and find the "Root of Nightmares" tab to find all related raid Triumphs.

Illuminated Torment

Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (2)

Illuminated Torment: During the Cataclysm encounter, you must defeat Torments while affected by the "Field of Light" buff.




Defeat Tormenters while buffed with Field of Light.



Illuminated Torment requires good communication with your fireteam above all else. Whoever slays a Tormentor must be buffed with "Field of Light" to complete this challenge. Damaging the Tormentor without a buff will not void the challenge attempt.

We recommend having your fireteam play the encounter mostly the same but with one key difference: don't kill the Tormentor. When the Tormentor reaches roughly 15% HP, everyone stops shooting and at least one person makes their way to your runner. Gain the Field of Light buff, then return to the Tormentor to land the killing blow.

If you're playing with an LFG team and are struggling with the timing, you can use a two runner strategy and assign the off-runner with the task of slaying the Tormentor. Whichever runner isn't currently finding/damaging a plate will be assigned to slay the Tormentor. The runners will alternate this role with each plate until the encounter ends.

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Psionic Purge

Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (3)

Psionic Purge: In Cataclysm, defeat all Psions within 1 second of each other.




Melee the pair of floating Psions simultaneously throughout the encounter.



Psionic Purge is an easy challenge to understand. When the floating Psions appear, you and another fireteam member will need to kill them at the same time. When both players are ready, melee the Psions simultaneously to spawn the Tormentor. Repeat this process for every pair of Psions until the encounter ends.

If you're attempting this through an LFG team and struggle with communication, force a specific player to run this challenge with you. When ready, call out your username and say you're ready. This helps your team correlate voices to names and greatly reduces confusion.

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Related: Destiny 2: The Best Titan Builds For PvP And PvE


Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (4)

Crossfire: During the Scission encounter, the gravity cannons must be activated by the opposite side.




The gravity cannons must be activated by the opposite side.



During the Scission encounter, runners will need to traverse the central chasm by using gravity lifts dotted throughout the arena. For this challenge, each gravity cannon must be activated by the opposite side. Damaging your own gravity cannon will void this challenge.

Using Strand or Well-skating to cross the chasm immediately fails this challenge.

Using the two runner strategy is easiest. In essence, runners will shoot each other's gravity cruxes when ready to swap. When both runners are ready to swap, they will both shoot the opposite player's crux to swap sides. This distance is quite great, so you might want to bring a Scout Rifle, Pulse Rifle, or Machine Gun to easily activate it. We do not recommend attempting this challenge with a four runner strategy. Ensure that both runners are cleansing plates at a similar cadence to prevent any issues with buff timers.

Ascending floors also requires the opposite side to shoot your crux, so remember to do this throughout the entire encounter to prevent accidental failure.

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Shields Up

Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (5)

Shields Up: In Scission, do not defeat any attuned shielded combatants on a floor until both node chains are complete on that same floor.




Do not kill any Redolence combatants until all nodes are activated on that floor.



Shields Up requires that no one kills any Redolence shielded targets until all nodes have been activated on your current floor. For example, Dark side will not kill any Dark Redolence enemies until both Light and Dark sides have their respective plates activated. Once all plates are active, you can grab your side's respective buff and kill all the shielded enemies.

If you want to be safe, only have the runners grab buffs to ensure no one assigned to add clear defeats a Redolence enemy by mistake. Repeat for each floor to complete the challenge.

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Cosmic Equilibrium

Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (6)

Cosmic Equilibrium: During the Macrocosm encounter, you must align the opposite color to each side, requiring two planet transitions instead of one.




Move all Dark planets to left side and Light planets to right side.



During the third encounter, players are required to rotate planets from one end of the room to the other. Instead of grabbing the odd planet out, you're going to rotate two planets to start the DPS phase. The left side will require all Dark planets, and the right side will require all Light planets to start the DPS phase. This will require two planet rotations in total.

The encounter itself will the same but with two planet swaps instead of one. Runners will kill their Colossus, find the pair of planets that match color, then grab one of them. Call out this planet to your partner, swap sides, then activate the planet your partner called out. Repeat once more, then start the DPS phase. Activating the middle DPS plates is the same as normal, no changes there. Repeat as necessary until the encounter is complete.

On Master difficulty, each plate Colossus will be a Barrier Champion. Be sure each runner has an Anti-Barrier counter in their loadout to deal with their respective Champion.

On Master difficulty, rotating sides can be especially tricky with the high enemy density present here. We highly recommend that add clear players use Trinity Ghoul or a Machine Gun to deal with the adds. The arena needs to be completely clear of enemies to give your runners the best possible chance of making it across safely.

Runners will want some form of survivability to survive the Explicator's occassional barrage of attacks. Hunters can use Nightstalker's invisibility, Titans can rely on Sunspots on Sunbreaker, and Warlocks can use Healing Rifts or Solar's Restoration buff. Be sure you have 100 Resilience to maximize your chances of staying alive before the DPS phase begins. For DPS, we recommend Rocket Launchers or Machine Guns.If you need a good Machine Gun, you can use Thunderlord with its Catalyst, Grand Overture, or Retrofit Escapade with Fourth Time's the Charm and Target Lock.

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Related: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Strand

Singular Orbit

Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (7)

Singular Orbit: In Macrocosm, a player cannot gain Planetary Insight twice in the same Planetary Shift.




You cannot kill a Colossus once you've aligned with a planet. This resets after each DPS phase.



The description of this challenge is somewhat vague and uses encounter terms that most players seldom reference. In essence, runners can't kill any Colossus enemies once they've moved a planet. This is because players gain the Planetary Insight buff from killing a Colossus, so killing a Colossus after swapping planets will cause you to gain Insight for a second time, failing the challenge. Completing Singular Orbit will require a different strategy than what most groups are used to.

Start the encounter as usual. When the Colossus units spawn, one runner from each side will kill both Colossi and call out the odd planet out on each plate. For example, left side would kill both Colossi enemies on left side and call out both Dark planets. All four runners will still grab their plate's respective planet and swap sides to dunk. You're just having one runner read two planets at a time.

For the central DPS plates, the runners that haven't killed any Colossi yet will kill each side's pair and call out the planets. You'll need three people to activate the plates, so one person on add clear must grab a planet and move it to the correct DPS plate. The runners will state which planet the add clear player needs and where to dunk it.

This whole challenge might seem confusing on paper, so let's give an example of how this challenge will play out:

  • Runners 1 and 2 are covering left side.
  • Runners 3 and 4 are covering right side.
  • Runners 1 and 3 go first. Each runner kills their side's respective Colossi enemies.
  • Runner 1 sees L1 and L5 as Dark.
    • Runner 1 grabs L1
    • Runner 2 grabs L5
  • Runner 3 sees R2 and R4 as Light.
    • Runner 3 grabs R2
    • Runner 4 grabs R4
  • Runners swap sides and dunk at whichever planet their partner grabbed.
    • Runner 1 grabbed L1, Runner 3 grabbed R2.
    • Runner 1 dunks at R2. Runner 3 dunks at L1.
  • A new set of Colossi spawn. Runners 2 and 4 now kill their side's respective Colossi enemies.
  • The middle plates are Dark, Light, and Dark. An extra Dark is required.
  • One member of add clear (Player 5) will head to Dark side and grab a planet.
    • Player 5 can't see which planets are Light or Dark, so they'll require guidance from Runner 2 or 4.
  • Runner 2, Runner 4, and Player 5 will all dunk at the DPS plates. DPS begins.

As stated previously, runners are killing two Colossi before reading planets, and one member of add clear must help with activating the DPS plates. The rest of the encounter—grabbing planets, swapping sides, and damaging the Explicator—stays the same.

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All Hands

Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (8)

All Hands: During the Nezarec encounter, each player must activate a plate on each side before starting the DPS phase.




Each player must activate one Dark plate and one Light plate between each DPS phase.



All Hands requires that each player must activate one Light and one Dark plate before the DPS phase begins. There are 12 plates to activate in total, so this means each player will need to activate two nodes, one on each side. Bear in mind that creating a Refuge plate does not count as activating a plate; it has no impact on this challenge.

We recommend splitting your fireteam in half. Each side will have three players. Assign a plate activation order to each player, with your team's Nezarec taunters going last. For example, one player will always get the first plate, the second player will always shoot the second plate, and the taunter will activate the third plate. After the first three plates are active on each side, create a Refuge plate to survive the wipe mechanic. Taunters will call out which Refuge buff is required.

Once Nezarec explodes, everyone will switch sides. Each group will then activate the last three plates, same as before. The only difference is that the final plate activation must be timed for both sides. If one side finishes too early, Nezarec will start the wipe mechanic and cause the challenge to fail.

The DPS phase behaves like normal, so the main change is the lead-up to DPS. Give each player a number that represents the plate they'll shoot, ensure taunters go last so they can get Nezarec's attention, and your team should have little issue getting this finished. If you're attempting this on Master difficulty, we highly recommend the first plate activators are assigned to add clear.Use Trinity Ghoul or Machine Guns to kill the adds as quickly as possible.

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Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (9)

Synchronicity: During the final battle with Nezarec, activate both sets of nodes within 5 seconds of each other, for every activation, and complete the encounter.




Each side must activate a node within 5 seconds of each other.



Synchronicity is much simpler than the weekly challenge. In essence, each side must activate their nodes within five seconds of one another. Once you've shot a node, the other side has five seconds to activate a node and vice versa.

Since the timer is quite generous, this challenge doesn't require much communication to complete. If both runners are activating nodes at a similar cadence, it's possible to finish this challenge with no communication at all. For less experienced groups of LFG fireteams, simply give a short countdown before shooting your node to give your partner a heads-up.

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Next: Destiny 2: How To Complete Every King's Fall Challenge

Destiny 2: How To Complete Every Root Of Nightmares Raid Challenge (2024)


How many teams completed Root of Nightmares raid? ›

Conversation. The Root of Nightmares Contest Mode is over in #Destiny2; with that, over 45,000 teams cleared the raid during the first 48 hours with 270,000+ completions in total, per Raid Report.

How long does Root of Nightmares take to complete? ›

Rip out the nightmares, root and stem. The Root of Nightmares raid was released on March 10 at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET. Members of HITP streamed their raid run on Twitch, and they completed it in around 2 hours and 24 minutes, according to the record on the Destiny 2 raid report site.

Who is the final boss in Root of Nightmares? ›

Nezarec. The final boss of the Root of Nightmares raid is Nezarec, Final God of Pain.

How many people attempted Root of Nightmares? ›

It's worth noting that Root of Nightmares had a 48-hour Contest mode period, double that of the usual first weekend for a raid. With those extra hours, the overall number of accounts that attempted the raid numbered 445,866 and 197,762 of them succeeded in defeating Nezarec, an astonishing success rate of 44.355%.

What is the sweeping terror in Root of Nightmares? ›

The Cataclysm encounter of Root of Nightmares explained

A timer called Sweeping Terror will countdown from 30. This wipes out your entire party if the timer reaches 0. It can be extended by spawning and killing special Tormentors called Cavum of Nezarec.

What is the recommended power level for the Root of Nightmares raid? ›

What is the power level requirement for Root of Nightmares? The recommended power level for completing the whole raid is 1780 or higher.

How many encounters are in Root of Nightmares? ›

In this Destiny 2 Root of Nightmares guide, we'll break down each of the raid's four encounters, show you where you can find the two secret chests, and teach you how to get a guaranteed Deepsight weapon once each week.

What is the contest mode in Root of Nightmares? ›

The rules for Contest Mode within the Root of Nightmares raid are as follows: You will need to be at 1780 Power to be at the cap for all of the encounters. Contest Mode: Contest Mode will cap all players at 20 Power below each encounter of the raid for the full 48 hours of the race.

Was Root of Nightmares too easy? ›

Due to encounters with mechanics that can be completed with very few fireteam members, the Root of Nightmares has been dubbed the easiest Raid in Destiny 2 by the community.

Is Root of Nightmares the hardest raid? ›

If you can master the raid's core mechanic, Root of Nightmares is one of Destiny 2's easiest raids and features some exciting weapons, one of which is a double-barreled shotgun. In terms of mechanics, expect something similar to the Spire of the Watcher dungeon here.

Is Master Root of Nightmares harder than contest mode? ›

The Master Root of Nightmares is the more difficult version of the base raid. Compared to a Day One raid, some might argue that this version is easier than the Contest Mode.

Do you need to beat Lightfall to do Root of Nightmares? ›

What you need to enter THE Root of Nightmares (requirements) Like any other DLC (expansion) for Destiny 2, you will need Lightfall to be able to play the raid. This isn't the only requirement though – your character has to be at least 1770 power level.

What is the Root of Nightmares raid boost? ›

To access the Root of Nightmares boost, players must have completed Lightfall campaign and have a minimum power level of 1770. It is also recommended to have a fireteam of skilled players and appropriate weapons and armor.

How to stun Nezarec Root of Nightmares? ›

One player should keep Nezarec distracted by shooting one of his shoulders. This will release a burst of either blue or orange light and will make his chest vulnerable. Shooting it will keep his attention on that player for about 10 seconds.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.