El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas (2024)

EL PASO HERALD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1908. 7 MEN TO ENLIST. WANTED--For army, able bodied, unmarried between ages of and citizens 0.1 United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Coles block, cor. San Antonio and Oregon Sts.


and A. M. Regular meetings first and third Wednesdays of each month. E. W.

S. Neff, Secy. T. C. Lea.

W. M. All cases of sickness should be reported Temple.H, McCullough, chairman, Masonic EL. PASO CHAPTER, NO. 157, R.

A. M. wotatedayconyocations. month. second Visiting sojouruers invited.

J. Ormsbee, M. E. H. P.

de. Secretary. McCullough, Secy. MESSENGERS FOR WANT ADS. The Herald uses the A.

D. T. messenger service for Herald want ads. No charge for messenger. LOST--FOUND.

1 cent a Word: 110 Ad Less Than 25 Cte. A. A. Meets in pile "Siasonic ingrologins p. dates: Consistory, Tuesday, 1st.

Franklin Lodge of Perfection Monday, 14th. Oasis Chapter Rose Thursday, 17th. Rio Grande Council, Thursday, 24th. all brown water spaniel dog, hair on tail and ears wavy a and of lighter shade than body; in: no collar but shows prints of one worn; little streak of white on breast. to name Brownie.

Liberal steward: Address 912 Ange. Belie phone 2499. LOST--Waterman Fountain pen, No. 14 stub. Return International Book and Stationery Co.

Reward. FOUND--Purse and money. Call phone 125. IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING advertise it here. It will be returned to you if an honest person finds it.

Remarkable recoveries are brought about every day through this column. IF YOU FIND ANYTHING bring it to The Herald. Get a claim check. Have it advertised. Reclaim it if the owner does not.

FOUND--Pair of spectacles on San Antonio St. Owner can recover by proving property and paying for advertisem*nt. Apply Herald office. SOUTHWESTERN MINING NEWS. Machinery for the Bonney.

Sept. 3-A load of machinery is expected this week for the Bonney mine and a car load of ore was shipped a few days ago to the smelter for treatment. President J. B. Foster is expected soon and will arrange for the installation of the maa chinery.

Will Treat the Tailings. Fairbank, Sept. cyanide plant which is to treat the tailings of the Old Contention, has been completed and will be put in operation in a few days. H. E.

Claridge did not state what he expected to realize per ton from the tailings, but stated that could treat 200 tons a day at a cost of 57 cents a ton. 100-Ton Plant for Interstate. Prescott, Sept. Rogers, president OI the Interstate Gold company, left for his home in Los Angeles this we after a trip to the property near Walker. As a result of his trip, he states that the company will shortly instal a 100 daily capacity plant on the Lamartine group.

He also brought in a small bar of bullion worth $850. Will Reorganize Llanos de Oro. Tucson, Sept. meeting of the stockholders has been called in this city September 21 to consider the reorganization of the Llanos de Oro Mining company. The proposition will be to transfer the mills, pipe lines and all the equipment of the company to a new corporation capitalized at 000,000 for $350,000, The properties are situated about 130 miles from the border in the state of Sonora.

Ore Shipped from Clark. Globe, Sept. rich silver ore is being taken from the Clark mine, two miles east of Globe, and two cars were shipped during August to El Paso. But a small force has been employed all summer, but this has been increased during the past week. Copper Giant Sold.

Tucson, Sept. Copper Giant group in Parker's canyon in the Catalinas, has been sold by the owners, E. A. Clark and John Scanlon to the Calumet Arizona company for $75,000, $7,500 of which had been paid some time ago for an option the property and the remainder, $67,500, was paid this week. CALIFORNIA FISHING.

Details Given in the SouthInteresting, Pacific Booklet. El Paso anglers who want information about California waters much to interest them in the illustrated booklet issued by the Sunset Like all the other Sunset publications, it is very carefully compiled. All of the following books, descriptive of the diferent sections of country named, have been prepared with great" care from notes and data gathered by local agents with a special eye TO fullness and accuracy. They are uptodate handbooks, profusely illustrated from the best photographs, and form a series invaluable to the tourist, settler and investor. They will be sent to any address, postage paid, on receipt of five cents each.

Twelve cents for three, or 16 cents for the first four named: The Sacramento Valley of California. The San Joaquin Valley of California. The Coast Country of California. California, South of Tehachapi. California Fishing, 5 cents.

Government Lands in Nevada, 5 cts. Oregon and California--The Klamath Country, 5 cents. The New Arizona, 5 cents. The New Nevada, 5 cents. Wayside Notes Along the Sunset Route (in preparation).

the Imperial Valley (in preparation). North of the Bay Counties, California. Sierra Crest and Canyon (in preparation). The following publications, most of which are illustrated, will be sent free of charge, but one cent for each should be enclosed for postage: Big Tree Folder. California Climatic Map, folder.

Cool Sea Breezes. Campers' Paradise. California for the Home Maker. Eat California Fruit. Lake Tahoe Resorts, folder.

Yosemite Valley. Big Tree Primer, Orange, Primer. Primer. Settlers' Primer. Sunset Magazine--A beautifully 11- lustrated monthly magazine dealing with land and.

era havond the Rockies. 192 pages, HELP WANTED--FEMALE. 1 Cent a Word. No Ad. Less Than 25 0.6.

WANTED--Colored washwomen. 1201 San WANTED--Experienced saleslady would position Address 326, Herald. WANTED- girl to do cooking and' general housework. Apply 1019 Ange St. WANTED--A competent 1 woman to do cooking, washing and ironing; Ft.

car line. e. Wages $5 and car 'fare. "Phone Mrs. Patterson, 3249.

HELP WANTED--MALE. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. WANTED--Drill prospector owning either diamond drill or Davis Calyx drill, to sink not less than 500 foot holes in lime, near Tombstone, Ariz. Submit lowest terms to J. W.

309 Juanita Dallas, Texas. Barber. Must be firstelass and sober guarantee $15: can make more. WANTED--B Write me. W.

W. Holmes, 946 Sixth Douglas, Ariz. bookkeeper; salary experienced man with firstelass references; general merchandise; mountain town." Write 310, care WANTED--Young man to drive wagon; references needed. Apply to Route Foreman, El Paso Dairy Rand's Grove. WANTED--A firstelass healthy barber at Otto Smith's barber shop, Deming, N.

M. HELP WANTED-Male. House painter and a floor, layer. E. A.

Jones, Builder. WANTED- Bright errand boy to make himself generally useful. Apply Calishers. WANTED--Men to learn barber trade, few weeks required, best paying work within the reach of poor man, can have shop with small capital, wages from $12 weekly, wonderful demand for barbers, catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber college, Ft.

Worth, Texas. FALL MITCHELL. Labor Contractors. 218 Mesa Ave. 1868--2888.

MAN OR WOMAN to help place 200 al automobile chances; fair play; references. 121 San Francisco. Phone 1617. PAY YOU AND TEACH A TRADE in 4 to 6 months. Only real trade school in the world.

Instructors contract actual work. Plumbing, electricity, bricklaying. Free 'Catalogue Union School of Trades. 120-126 E. 9th Los Angeles.

HELP WANTED--MALE FEMALE 1 Cent a Word. No Ad. Less Than 25 Cts. WANTED--Song and dance acts. State all first letter and salary expected.

Address National theater, Apartado 363, Cananea, Sonora, Mexico. SALESMEN WANTED. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. SALESMEN to manage exclusive territory for manufacture of necessity to every property owner: absolutely new proposition; big commission or salary. Permanent.

Experience unnecessary. "Liberty" Association, 12 State Chicago. SITUATIONS. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. GERMAN LADY desires position as housekeeper or nurse.

Inquire 420 N. Oregon. WANTED -Position Florence as governess El by young Paso, Texas. SITUATION WANTED--All round office man having 7 years experience in railroad office would like position in office at once. Address 327, Herald.

POSITION WANTED 5 years' experience in Chicago. Best of references. Sara McGowan, 907 North Oregon St. WANTED--Position as nurse to children: can furnish excellent references from New York and California: willing to go anywhere. Address Emelie Schmidt, 800 N.

Florence St. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. MISS MARION MACPHERSON, stenogdaphe. Phone 537.

Room 409, Trust Bldg. TRAINED sick colored nurse wants situa.tion. Bell phone 3205. WANTED WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts.

WANTED--Fine rug, dining table, base burner. Texas, care Herald. WANTED--Counter showcase for candy and one for cigars; also other fixtures. I. Guthrie, The Alvarado.

WANTED--A second hand Blickensderfer typewriter in good running order. Write P. 0. box 830, Paso. HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for 2nd clothes and shoes.

M. Levy, 602 S. El Paso. Bell phone 681. Drop a postal.

WE WANT your second hand furniture for cash. We pay good prices. Dawson Brown, 115 N. Stanton. Telephone 839.


WANTED--TO EXCHANGE. 1 Cent 1 a Word. No Ad. Less Thah 25 Cts. WANTED--To exchange a steel tired top buggy for milch cow.

Phone 1839. BUSINESS CHANCES. 1 Cent 3 Word: No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. FOR SALE OR RENT--New White sewing machine; cost $70; will $35: rent for $2 per month. J.

S. Boggs, 1205 Nevada St. FOR SALE- -Homestead relinquishment, 80 acres half mile of Rincon, very good, $250 cash takes it. Also some good lead claims near El Paso and railroad carrying lead, copper and silver. Will sell cheap on bond or cash.

Address James T. Smith, Las Cruces, N. M. FOR RENT-6 miles from EI Paso, fine pasturage. Address Ed P.

Cox, Anapra, N. M. IF YOU WANT TO EARN $50 to $200 a week right in your own city write at once for full particulars. J. M.

Harris Snyder Mabridge Building, 34th St. and Broadway, New York. FOR -Saloon doing good business. For particulars call on or address I. 916 S.

El Paso city. FOR SALE--Beer saloon cheap. 615 Broadway. WANTED--ROOMS. "ent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts.

WANTED 2 unfurnished connecting rooms: permanent; give phone number. P. 0. box 462. WANTED--Good board with room and sleeping out porch for semi-invalid, male.

Address 305, Herald. WANTED AT ONCE--Board and room and stable room for horse; close to business center. T. P. Herald ROOMS, BOARD, ETC.

HOTELS. 1 Cent a Word: No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. ROOMS with best of table board. 612 N.

El Paso St. NICELY furnished front room in private family; everything firstelass; suitable for gentlemen. 809. N. El Paso.

NICELY furnished sunny room with large porch; no invalid's. 808 N. Oregon St. FURNISHED ROOMS with board. Rooms $1.50 and up per week; board $1.50.

705 N. Stanton. FOR RENT -Nicely furnished. sunny front room. 1017 Magoffin Ave.

FOR rooms, nicely furnished with every convenience; also piano, phone, water and part of lights; close in: both back and front porch. Address Herald. FOR RENT-2 connecting housekeeping rooms, furnished; private family. 815 Mundy Ave. FOR RENT--Nicely furnished room, 2 blocks from Union depot.

815 Mundy Ave. 3 NICE furnished rooms for light housekeeping; $16 per month. 615 N. Kansas. furnished rooms, flat No.

6, Lakota; private family; board if desired. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $3 up. Gas, electric lights, free baths. 512 Myrtle. FOR RENT-2 unfurnished housekeeping rooms to healthy couple in private family.

Phone 2607. FOR RENT -Nicely furnished 5 room cottage. Also phonograph with 40 records for sale very cheap. 1104 N. Florence.

FOR RENT--Rooms sleeping gallery. Board desired, in elegant home. Colored cook wanted. Bell phone 2586. Call 1127 E.

Rio Grande. FOR RENT-2 nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping over Bryan Store. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; choice; reasonable. 1110 N. El Paso St.

FOR RENT--Furnished room next bath, private. family, excellent location, Phone 1602. TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. Apply 626 Stewart St. FURNISHED ROOM I in private family, everything first class.

1418 Boulevard. 2159. 3 FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, south front, and bath, 1223 E. Overland St. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS furnished.

I. S. Dickerson, 311 Missouri St. FOR RENT--Elegantly furnished room connecting with bath in quiet home. Address Home, care of Herald.

NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite. 615 Montana. THE MOTHERS' favorite boarding school opens Sept. 16th. The school for small girls conducted by Christian women: good home, good school, music, sewing, housekeeping and everything necessary to the girl is taught; moderate prices.

Call and see us at 518 N. Kansas St. ROOM AND BOARD, strictly firstelass. 615 N. Florence.

Mrs. C. F. Leary. FOR RENT to responsible party-6 unfurnished rooms, upstairs, Belgian Bakery.

Apply 1205 San Antonio St. FRONT nitable tor a couple or 2 gentlemen. Apply 807 Arizona St. FOR RENT-3 convenient rooms for housekeeping; invalids or children. Phone 1450.

909 Montana. FOR RENT- rooms, single, ensuite and housekeeping at the Alvarado. MODERN 4 room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Inquire 306 San Antonio. MARLBOROUGH House, Ave.

Independencia 282, Mex. New two story building, light airy rooms, free bath. Headquarters tourists, traveling men. STORES, OFFICES. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts.

SMALL STORE ROOM for rent cheap. Good location. 305 E. Overland St. OFFICE FOR RENT-Part of office under Santa Fe ticket office.

Reasonable rent to right party. Apply R. W. Page. Phone 1111.

WAREHOUSES, ETC. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. STORAGE--El Paso Trunk Factory. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts.

FOR SALE medium size baby gocart. 421 W. Overland St. MAILING LIST FOR 5.000 land agents, 100,000 investors, 200,000 farmers; all less than 1 year old'; any class $1 per 1000. Summerhayes Tama, Iowa.

FOR -Second hard coffee mill, good as new. cheap. Jackson Grocery Co. Phones 353, 507. RUBBER STAMPS at lowest prices.

Modern printing. S. El Paso. Auto 1411. POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES.

FOR SALE Pool and Billiard tables, supplies and bar fixtures; sold on easy payments; catalogs free. Charles Passow Sons, P. 0. box 1081, Dallas, Tex. RUBBER manufactured daily.

Ellis Printery. SODA FOUNTAINS. We have several bargains to offer in both new and second hand Soda Fountains for immediate shipment. Easy monthly payments. Write or phone for our attractive propositions.

THE GROSMAN COMPANY, Dallas, Texas. GOING AWAY TO SCHOOL? Mark the linen with Ellis Indelible ink. It bold's. FOR SALE- FURNITURE. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts.

FOR SALE. Good range with hot water attachments, $20.00. Two Axminster rugs, 9x12, good as new; $15.00 each. A very fine drophead Singer sewing machine; cost $55.00, used only a few months, $27.50. Handsome upright folding bed; cost $58, only $30.

Full size iron beds, good springs, good mattresses, $2.00. Good saddle HanG set of leather, dining chairs and round match; worth $50.00 cash takes them. Good cook stoves, $5.00. O'BRIEN'S, Myrtle Ave. Opp.

City Hall. FOR SALE--All furniture. household goods and folding gocart, of well furnished 5 room house, with lease. 711 N. Stanton.

FOR SALE- -Furniture of a six-room residence; purchaser could rent house if desired: ciose in. Phone 44 call at 109 San Francisco St. GENERAL REPAIRING. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. SURVEYING instruments repaired.

3025 Tularosa. OSTEOPATHY. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. DR. ANT.

STILL, OSTEOPATHIC INFIRMARY, Kirksville, Mo. Dr. Ira W. Collins, physician in chief. Wesley Atteberry, 13 years experience, first assistant.

Ablest lady specialist in the profession will be in attendance. Lina D. Collins, secretary and treasurer. Corner Missouri and El Paso Sts. Puone 1606.

FOR RENT-4 nice clean furnished rooms, HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. good ventilation. 110 Chihuahua St. Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. FOR single or en suite, commodious new building, new furniture, best residence district.

No children or sick people. 111 W. Boulevard. Phone 686. FOR RENT-6 room apartment.

Virginia, 1116 N. Oregon. Phone 2171. WANTED--All to know the Hot Waffle House serves best 25c meal in city. 21 meals $4.50.

American cooking. Come once you will come again. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS-904 N. Oregon. SUNNY SOUTH APARTMENTS.

Two and three room suites completely furnished. Every modern convenience; gas heaters and ranges, electric lights, cooking utensils; free telephones; within 5 minutes' walk of the postoffice. MRS. DORSEY, 606 Texas St. Phone 1825.

FOR RENT-HOUSES. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. FOR RENT--Very desirable 7 room house, Prospect close in. Phone 567 or 566. FOR RENT--Large 6 room house.

Has gas and electric lights. On car line. $25 per month. Cowboy Park, Juarez. Phone 787 for particulars.

FOR RENT-6 room modern 2 story brick, close good location. Austin Marr, 200 Texas St. Phone 352. FOR RENT-3 room furnished flat; Do children. 810 FOR RENT-7 room residence.

1001 Mesa cor. Rio Grande, $10 per month C. L. Pomeroy. Phone 322.

FOR RENT--At reasonable price modern eight room flat. 710 N. Noble St. FOUR ROOM cottage, furnished or unfurnished. Rent cheap.

305 Tays. FOR RENT--For dances or dancing schools. Apply George Stockwell, castodian O. R. C.

hall, Mundy El Paso street, 10 to 11 a. m. FOR SALE- -HOUSES. FOR SALE-6 room house on 52x122 lot; 3 south front lots on Nevada 11 lots in Grandview add. Address 1305 N.

Kansas. Bell phone 1570. FOR QUICK SALE, BY OWNER-5 room modern cottage on north side: house practically new; has 2 full south front lots, small barn and back fence, grass, etc. Price heretofore $3900, but need money for business purposes and will sell for less than cost, $3700; about half cash. This property is good enough for anybody for a home, but as a rent proposition will net about 10 per cent.

Be Address 605, care Herald. FOR SALE--Owner wishes to sell quickly at very low price a new modern 8 room 2 story house. Address P. 0. box 401.

FOR SALE--Rooming house with 18 rooms in heart of city, cheap. Address P. 0. box S52. FOR SALE- LOTS.

Cent: a Word. No Ad. Less Than 25 Cts. LOTS FOR SALE--Snap. 4 corner lots in Grandview at a bargain.

Address quickly and I will call. 321, care Herald. FOR -Below cost, lots in East El Paso, variously located, all on graded streets and corners. W. L.

Rider, rooms 33 and 34 City National Bank building. Phone 396. Residence 600 N. Oregon phone 744. PIONEER ABSTRACT CO.

A. G. Foster, Manford E. Williams, manager; W. C.

Morgan, abstractor. Most complete and accurate abstracts in El Paso county. Prices reasonable. Records and maps of valley lands especially full. If you want abstract work or information relating to titles call on uS.

Offices in Mundy block on El Paso near Little Plaza. Bell phone 616. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. CITY LOTS. A nice piece of business property on Durango St.

This can be for $500 less than its real value, and on terms. choice lots on Arizona St. at a very reasonable price. These are the only two lots vacant on the finest block on that Five nicely lots in Orchard streetied Park, well fenced; 100 fruit trees; two room frame house and good barn and outhouses. A real, genuine bargain at only $1800; terms.

RESIDENCE PROPERTY. A nicely arranged modern room residence on East Rio Grande, large attic space, two lots, terraced, concrete sidewalk, curb and steps. House newly papered. The price is very low i and terms are reasonable. A nice 5 room dwelling on Arizona.

Corner lot, 40x120. This house is new and up to date in every respect. Red pressed brick. It is cheap at the price. Mundy Heights, fine location, east front, two lots.

A well arranged 7 room pressed brick residence. Front and back porches. Well kept lawn. This is surely a bargain. The price is moderate and terms are easy.

Let me list what stocks, and real estate business may have for sale. Come and see what. I have to offer you before buying. WALTER B. RANDALL, Real Estate and Investments.

Stocks and Bonds. Box 353. L. H. Building.

Cor. Texas St. and Mesa. AUSTIN MARR WILL SELL $5750 WILL. BUY fine 7 room modern brick residence, ou Rio Grande near Octavia gool terms.

WE lands, ARE HEADQUARTERS for valley tracts of 5 acres up. Small tracts in the Vineyard Valley tract, $50 per acre, 10 per cent down, 5 per cent a month, no interest or taxes. STOP PAYING cash aud $25 per month buys modern 4 room brick cottage, lot feet, south front on Fort Bliss car line; just north of new shops. IT IS-1300 Magoffin new HERE modern house, 2 baths, large porches, cellar, 65 foot corner lot; price is right and good $3200 BUYS NICE 4 ROOM terms. modern brick house, 4 lots, south front, East El Paso, 1 block from car line; fences, trees, sheds, chicken house; good terms.

AUSTIN MARR, Phone 352. 200 Texas St. FOR SALE -HOUSES. $7500 will buy a 10 room brick house, east front, N. El Paso high terrace and overlooks the whole city; lot 43x120.

You'll make money if you buy this. 40300 will buy a dandy 6 room red pressbrick cottage on 2 full south front tered raced lots, cement walks and retaining wall, nice lawn. This is one of the nicest houses on Rio Grande St. Seller will take a lease on house $4100 will buy or a 5 give room brick house, possession. south front, on Boulevard.

$3750 will buy a room brick cottage, south front, terraced lot, on California St. Lot $5750 will buy an room house, red 37 re pressed brick, south front, OR Boulevard. will buy a 6 room brick cottage, East El Paso, south front, and only 2 blocks from round house. $8500 will buy 5 lots with 2 houses, corner on San Antonio St. VACANT LOTS.

Montana between Noble and Brown, we have 4 full lots for $3000. feet on Wyoming near Austin. Price $1050; a snap. VALLEY LANDS. Alfalfa farm, 110 acres all improved, 60 acres in beautiful alfalfa 2 miles west of Anthony.

Price $7500. 18 acres near San Maguil, N. with 12 acres alfalfa balance in corn and beans." Can be bought for $1000. FOR RENT. Store room, San Antonio $25 per month.

Store room. Campbell between San Antonio and Myrtle; $25. 5 room room flat, house, $25. San the San Antonio, near Jacinto school, $20. PAYNE'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, Phone 1250.

307 Automobiles at your service. MONEY TO LOAN. Telephone 2815. Lumber is advancing at the mills. If you to build do don't wait and pay more.

latened my terms now. Money furnished houses built. J. J. BAKR, Contractor and Builder.

Office and Planing Mill 1703 Wyoming St. El Paso, Texas. FOR SALE. $6050. 8 room 2 story brick residence, elegant location and close in; will pay 11 per cent as an investment.

1081780 8 room new brick, fine neighborThis one will pay 12 per cent as an investment. $3600. A beautiful 5 room cottage, 5 and let show you these before you buy. blocks from, postoffice. Don't fail to call $2000.

feet, south front, 2 blocks from Cleveland square; splendid "location for flat building. $1450. 50x120, south front, on Mundy 1 block from car line. $1900. 75x120, east front, Heights.

$1125. south front, high terrace, close in, on Nevada St. $1550. 50x120, south front, on corner. "BARGAIN" doesn't express it.

MATHEWS DYER, Telephone 638. 211 Texas St. room flat, Main $16.00 GILFOR RENT. -100 room 100m flat, cottage, Merchant 301 Putnam 15.00 32.50 Fire and plate glass insurance and rent collections. T.

B. COLLIER, Bell phone 714. 2071, Mesa Ave. PIANOS. 1 Cent a Word.

No Ad. Less Than 25 Cts. FOR piano, cheap for cash; good condition, used but little. Inquire 708 Dallas St. W.

D. ROBINSON, Tuner. Phone 2700. annual meeting of the stockholders of the El Paso corporation organized Railroad under company, Northeastern a Texas, laws of the state of will be held at the the company in the EL Paso Southwestern building, oclock EI m. Paso, commencing 9th, at 11 1908, and a.

Wednesday, September imM.ediately upon the same date, upon adjournment of such stockholders' meeting, there will be held at the same board place, the regular annual meeting of the of directors of such company ensuing for the election of its officers, for the year and the transaction of such other business as may come before the board. A. L. Hawley, secretary. LEGAL NOTICES.

Notice of Stockholders and Directors' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the regular FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. SNAP SNAP SNAP HERE IS THE BIGGEST SNAP OFFERED IN MESILLA VALLEY 208 acres within one-half mile of Dona DURING THEE PAST YEAR. Ana, 80 acres in alfalfa, 40 acres cleared and leveled. Balance can be put into cultivation with very little expense.

This tract is near the head of the Dona Ana ditch, has full paidup water rights under the Leasburg diversion dam, and is the very best quality of soil in the entire Rio Grande valley. Price $85.00 per acre. $8500 cash: balance easy terms. Be sure to see this quick, as we have only a short time option and at the price this property is bound to sell within week. LAS CRUCES REALTY D.

Baker, Las Cruces, J. F. Sattley, New Mexico. A. Sattley.

FOR SALE. 9 room, 2 $6500. story brick, modern. Price 5 room brick, 40x120, east front. Price $3700; terms.

4 room brick on Nevada Price street. $2600. 8 room, 2 en bl. Upson Ave. Price $6100, story brick, close in, 1 and one-half cash, 2 years.

Rent $40 per room month. bricks, Price on $5500; 78x120 terms. corner. Two 4 site. Price on Magoffin fine $1600; 1-3 cash, bal.

building years. $1500, lot, 55x120, 2 room frame. Price Corner x120, cash, bal. 1 year. one-half addition, south Gladstone front.

Sunset Heights Price $1550; 1-3 cash, $550 bal. cash 1 and 2 years. buy lots15 and 16, block will lots Franklin Heights addition; cheapin the addition. 2 FOR RENT. $20.00.

cottages, 1308-10 E. Overland 4-room 2 5-room ond cottages, corner Tays and $25.00. 1 8-room, 2 house, story, blocks from court 806 E. Overland, $40.00. 1 4-room cottage, 217 W.

Overland, $22.50. MONEY TO LOAN. BEHR WATTS, 114 Pioneer Plaza, City National Bank Phone 454. El fras0. Texas.

Building. BARGAIN IN VALLEY LANDS. 700 acres of Al valley mana. Can be had for the next at the low ten days only extremely price of $14.00 PER ACRE. Don't overiook this opportunity if you are looking for valley lands.

BUCHOZ SCHUSTER, 114 St. Louis St. El Paso, Tex. acres fine garden, land in Ysleta, 300 easily yards repaired, postoffice. with 2 room heuse, cheap at $400 cash.

Fifty other bargains, 1 acre to 100, suited to all tastes. PETERMAN SON, Ysleta, Texas. Free Phone 2266-4 rings black, El Paso Exchange. BARGAIN SALE OF LOTS AT A HEAVY DISCOUNT, FOR ONE WEEK, COMMENCING AUG. 31ST.

73x120 ft. on Mundy on corner, with retaining wall; price $2500. 60x120 ft. on Mundy on corner; price $1500. 50x120 ft.

on Mundy, price $1400. 75x120 Heights, east front, 1 block from car line; price $2000. on corner, Mundy Heights, very fine; price $2500. 66x120x132 corner, Mundy Heights. Well, you better come and see us about this; it's a shame, but we need the money.

VALLEY LANDS. 138 acres in upper valley; price $1500. 13 acres all plowed land, at Ysleta; price $70 per acre. 60 acres in alfalfa. on railroad, with small house, in Mesilla valley; price $125 per acre, and its a nice place.

RESIDENCE PROPERTY. 5 room new house, close in, south front, if you will pay for the lots you can pay the balance as you would pay rent; price is right; see it. 6 room new house. east front, walking distance from P. nice home; $6000.

5 room house, east front, close in, close to car line; price $3700. 6 room house on two lots, on Boulevard, and 5 room house on Wyoming to trade for valley lands. HATTON 224 Mesa Ave. REALTY, Paso, Texas. Bell phone 512.

Auto 2265. The Herald Want Ads are Business getters. FOR -REAL ESTATE. 35 feet, St. Stanton close in, good business property, $12,500.

9 room, N. EI Paso well located, $5600. 5 room house, Myrtle close in, $3300. 8 room, 1015 Missouri $3500. 4 house, 2629 Boulevard, $2400; terms.

Fire Insurance. Notary Public. 113 Mesa Phone 441. P. O.

Box 243. J. H. SMITH. J.

R. FISK, Trust Building. 1 Phone 958. FOR SALE. $6500-10 room brick, east front, block north of library; most desirable location in city; will rent for $75.00.

$7300-8 room, 2 story, fine elegant new $3300-5 place, 1 block west of library. room, Myrtle close in; terms easy. $3500-5 room, large modern brick, east front; cement walks, lawn, Ange trees, etc. FARMING LAND. Near Washington park, water, 2 blocks from car line; soil, city $1.00 a week.

$1.00 down, FOR RENT. 4 room, Bassett Ave room, Missouri St 20.00 $18.00 4 7 room, Magoffin Ave 9 room, Magoffin Ave 37.50 45.00 RAILROAD TIME TABLE. All trains arrive anddepart from Unior those depot, foot of San Francisco of Sierra Madre. All street, arrivals except and departures time. given in El Paso, or Mountain S.

W. (Eastern Division.) (Connecting with Rock Island.) Arrive From North. No. 3, Chicago 8:00 a. m.

Golden State 5:50 p.m. Depart for the Norrn. Nc. Chicago No. Golden State 5:20 p.m.

1:15 p.m. TEXAS PACIFIC. No. 3, Arrives from No. 4, Leaves for 2:25 3:45 p.m.

p.m. H. A. Arrives From No. 8, Sunset 7:30 a.

m. Departs for East. No. 10, Sunset 7:30 p.m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC.

Arrive From West. No. 8, California Fast No. 10, Sunset 3:35 6:00 p. m.

No. 4, Golden State ...12:55 p. m. p.m. Depart for West.

No. 7, California Fast 10:30 a. 9, Sunset 8:45 a.m. m. No.

No. 3, Golden State E. P. S. (Western p.

6:05 m. Division.) Arrive From West. No. 2. Mail and No.

4, Drummers' 5:00 p. m. 7:30 a.m. Depart for West. No.

No. 3, Mail Drummers' and 8:30 7:00 SANTA FE. Arrives From North. No. 9, Mexico 9:40 a.

m. Departs for North. No. 10, Chicago Fast 8:00 p.m. MEXICAN CENTRAL.

Arrives From South. No. 1, Mail and 5:45 p.m. Departs for South. No.

2. Mail and 10:00 a. m. SIERRA MADRE. (Station in C.

Juarez.) Arrive from and south Tuesday, Leave Thursday 2:25 p. m. for south Monday, Weduesday and 9:05 m. ARIZONA NEW MEXICO R. R.

FOR SALE--Small team mules, harness and wagon: good hunting outfit; cheap. Phone 1206. FOR SALE--Fine large gentle carriage mare. City broke. Phone 1606.

CATTLE, HOGS, ETC. 1 Cent 8 Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. MILCH cow-3 gals. a day. Address T.

M. Gonsley, Ysleta. SPECIAL NOTICE. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. P.

0. BOX 1078 for services of master accountant. Will exchange services for office space. HOME HAND LAUNDRY-Firstelass work. Phone 1058.

Mrs. Emma Slater. MOTHERS-Leave the little ones at the day nursery, 518 N. Kansas St. SEWING MACHINES.

ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES for sale, trade or rent; also all kinds of supplies at the Standard and' New Home office, 304 N. Stanton St. Phone 1007. DRESSMAKING. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts.

MISS MYRTLE CRAWFORD, experienced dressmaker. 809 N. Campbell. Phone 1050. DRESSMAKING--Children's clothes a specialty.

Shirt waists and plain sewing. 608 N. Oregon. EDUCATIONAL. 1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts.

ONLY REAL TRADE SCHOOL IN THE WORLD--Enrollment 200. $20,000 contract work being done in plumbing, bricklaying, electricity. Advanced students earn Free catalog. Union Trade School and Contracting 120 E. 9, Los Angeles.

WANTED-Music pupils. 1200 Magoffin Ave. Bell phone 2043. MISS RUBY HUGHES, teacher, of piano: technic specialist. 606 N.

Ph. 2785. MERCANTILE AGENCIES. 1 Cent a Word. No Ad.

Less Than 25 Cts. R. G. DUN reports, mercantile El Paso office, 501 Guaranty Trust Bldg. EL PASO REPORTING AGENCY--W.

D. Howe, manager. Issues complete El Paso commercial report. LOCAL MERCANTILE Collections a specialty. Hoffman, AGENCY 15 Morehouse block.

DENTISTS. 1 Cent Word: No Ad. Less Than 25 Cts. DR. McVEA, DENTIST, over Golden Eagle Clothing Co.

DRS. BROWN PAGET, Dentists, 115 El Paso Opposite National bank. MEDICAL." Cent a' Word; No Ad LONe Than 25 Cta. DRS. ANNA AND CHAS.

REUM-Bu Buckler over Calisher's. Both phones. DR. EDGAR, Homeopath, 11 Center Blk. PROFESSIONAL.

1 Cent a Word; No Ad Less Than 25 Cts. DR. LESLYE HYDE, OSTEOPATH. Graduate of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office 814 Mesa.

Hours 10 to 12 a. 2 to 4 p. m. Phone 2162. UPHOLSTERING.

1 cent Word. MO Ad Less Than 23 Cta. UPHOLSTERING and furniture repairing; packing of household goods. Bell phones 1632-2468. 410 Wyoming.

W. W. Harvey. Leaves. (MI.) Stations.

Arrives. 7:40 a. 0 Clifton, A. 8:00 a. m.

S. Siding, A. 5:28 p. m. :50 8:22 a.

m. 12 Guthrie, 'A. 5:14 p. m. p.

m. 8:27 a. m. 14 Coronado, A. :04 8:38 a.

In. 18 York, A. 4:53 m. p. D.

m. 8:55 a. m. 24 Sheldon, :38 9:14 a. m.

33 Duncan, A. 1:12 9:34 a. m. 41 Thomson, A. 3:56 p.

9:55 a. m. 51 Summit, N. 3:36 p. m.

m. 10:11 a.m. 61 Veitch, N. 3:20 p. m.

10:15 a. m. 70 Roberts, Lordsburg, N. N. 3:20 p.

m. 11:11 a. m. 81 2:20 11:28 a. m.

92 Breckman, N. 2:02 p.m. p. m. 12:00 a.

109 Hachita, N. p. m. For further information apply to nearest agent or to Norman Carmichael, assistant general superintendent. A.


10, 1906. Shortest route to Roswell and all points in the Pecos valley. This being a U. S. mail schedule route, cars, tine.

must, and do, leave daily on Train No. 2, El Paso Southwestern Railway, leaves El Paso daily at 6:20 p. arrives at Torrance at 2:25 a. m. Automobile leaves Torrance daily at 6 a.

arrives at Roswell 30 at 11 a. saving passengers over other hours route. Full between these points over any equipment of modern cars in Courteous service, securing comfort to passengers. and expert chautfeurs in charge of every car. Seats reserved on auto by applying to or agent to of Roswell El Paso Auto Southwestern Railway Roswell, N.

M. amount Baggage of allowance 50 pounds. Any baggage can be carried by notifying company at Roswell. J. W.

Stockard, Manager. Puzzle Picture Little John was tied to the gallows-tree. (From an old English ballad.) Find the sheriff. ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE Left side down, above hat and bee hive..

El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.