Ladder Nutrition Review [Arnie's Plant-Based Protein] (2024)

Another week, another plant-based protein review, and this time we’re taking a look at a brand with some serious influence behind it including LeBron James, his trainer Mike Mancias, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ladder Nutrition is a sports nutrition company that’s dedicated to creating high-performance, NSF Certified for Sport workout supplements for daily use. Ladder nutrition products can be bought individually, in bundles, or alternatively as a subscription (useful if you know how much you go through each month. In this Ladder Nutrition review I’m only going to be focusing on the plant-based products from Ladder Nutrition; Ladder Pre-Workout, Ladder Plant Protein, and Ladder Superfood Greens. This is because we fully advocate the plant-based diet here at Trail & Kale and so reviewing whey protein would be pointless for us, and also miss-leading.

It’s not every day that an extremely influential advocate for all things fitness tells the world that they wish they’d started a plant-based diet sooner in life. That’s pretty much what Arnold Schwarzenegger did in the 2019 documentary entitled Game Changers. Schwarzenegger’s segment in the documentary has made athletes around the world stop and think about their diet, and whether or not it’s the best one for them and their fitness goals. Yes, this documentary has opened up some very heated debates (which I’m not going to go into in this Ladder Nutrition review) but one thing is for sure, I’m sticking with the plant-based diet because I feel much stronger and alert after eating plant foods as opposed to meat. I also notice more consistent energy levels throughout the day.

I’m also seeing more famous people switching to a plant-based diet or outwardly promoting it including Miley Cyrus, Joaquin Phoenix, James Cameron, Alicia Silverstone, Brad Pit, Jennifer Lopez, Novak Djokovic, and many more.

Well, there’s some background information for you, now let’s dive deeper into this Ladder Nutrition review.

Ladder Pre-Workout review

What does Ladder Pre-Workout do and why would you use it?

Ladder Pre-Workout is designed to keep you feeling stronger for longer, without the crash that some products can sometimes give you. It can be used as a tool to keep you focused and fueled during intense workouts or endurance runs.

This product has a fair amount of caffeine in it, 100mg per suggested serving, to be precise. To give you something to compare this to, there’s roughly 95mg of caffeine in the average cup of coffee. So, if you’re like me and you keep an eye your daily caffeine intake, then this supplement should really replace one of or your only coffee of the day. Caffeine is a very effective stimulant for any physical exercise which is why it is one of the key ingredients in this pre-workout drink. It’s the amino acid theanine that helps to ensure you don’t experience any jitters or a crash.

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Last Amazon price update was: June 30, 2024 1:30 am

Ladder Nutrition Review [Arnie's Plant-Based Protein] (3)

Ladder Pre-Workout Ingredients

Please see the image above (to the right on a desktop) for the full list of ingredients. Some key facts are listed below:

  • 100mg Natural Caffeine
  • 5g Creatine
  • 3g Beta-alanine
  • 250mg Theanine

How does Ladder Pre-Workout taste?

I tried the Strawberry Lemonade flavor (also available in Tropical Fruit flavor) which is nice but mainly due to the high sugar content and for those who actively maintain a reduced sugar diet it’s hard to get past that taste. Of the 18.9g per serving, there are 4 grams worth of sugars, which in my book, is a lot.

Ladder does use natural strawberry and lemon in this powder mix but also includes an additional 4g of natural cane sugar to create a refreshing but sugary drink. Based on the sugar content alone of this product, I won’t personally be using it as a pre-workout drink. Some people will enjoy it however as it is tasty (when watered down more) and also effective.

How and When should you drink Ladder Pre-Workout? (Timings and Dosage)

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Ladder Pre-Workout will give you a constant stream of energy for up to 6 hours, but according to Ladder Nutrition you should feel strongest within 30-45 minutes after taking the supplement. This makes it a great precursor to a long endurance training run, or even a race.

Pre-Workout mix contains Beta-alanine which is a completely safe amino acid that causes a tingling sensation in some people, I am one of those people. The sensation for me kicked after about 10 minutes and lasted 20 minutes. If you’re sensitive to the ingredient too, try taking the drink with a little bit of food or mix more water in.

Ladder recommends mixing 1 packet of Pre-Workout with 8-12 ounces of water.

How much does Ladder Pre-Workout cost and is it worth it?

$50 for 15 servings (best option if you want to try it out), $75 for 30 servings, or $60 for 30 servings (20% off) when you subscribe to a 30 or 60-day delivery schedule. I would recommend trying this one before subscribing, and unless you’re using it every day, just go for the delivery every 60 days option. Is it worth it? NO, this one is not for me.

View Pre-Workout at

Ladder Plant Protein review

What does Ladder Plant Protein do and why would you use it?

Ladder Plant Protein, like any protein powder, exists to help repair your muscles after an intense workout. Personally I don’t use protein powders after every trail run, just the really tough ones like hill repeats, speed-work, and long runs. I’m a big believer in never letting your body expect or rely on a supplement, otherwise what happens when you take it away? Everything in life should be done in moderation in order to have a healthy balance. This applies to mental health, diet, and physical activity.

If you’re into trail running and want to improve your performance, you can learn all about all my top trail running hacks here: The Hacks That Improved My Trail Running Performance.

Related Reading:

  • The 6 Best Greens Powder Supplements to Support…

Ladder Plant Protein provides a higher dose of Essential Amino Acids and Branched-Chain Amino Acids than you may find from vegan sources, this gives your body what it needs to properly repair after a workout and improve muscle mass, fat loss, and sports performance. Ladder Protein uses a complete plant-based protein with the highest protein digestibility score and it has improved absorption due to the added digestive enzymes and specific probiotic strains that ensure your body makes the most of every gram of protein.

Ladder Plant Protein comes in 2 different flavors, Vanilla and Chocolate. Both flavors performed equally well after intense runs and I found my leg muscles feeling recovered the next day. The speed at which a person may recovery also depends on their fitness level and the intensity of the workout performed.

Ladder Nutrition Review [Arnie's Plant-Based Protein] (10)Amazon.comSee Deal

Last Amazon price update was: June 30, 2024 1:30 am

Ladder Plant Protein Ingredients

Ladder Plant Protein Ingredients

Please see above (to the right on a desktop) photo for the complete list of ingredients. Some key facts are listed below:

  • 21g of Protein
  • 9g of essential amino acids
  • 4.5g of BCAAs
  • 2bil CFU of Probiotics

How does Ladder Plant Protein taste?

I really enjoyed the taste of both flavors with chocolate slightly taking the win over vanilla. Both have a nice drinking texture and froth up well when shaken for around 20 seconds. The texture is slightly grainy but that’s what most plant-proteins taste like so I can’t mark Ladder down for that.

How and When should you drink Ladder Plant Protein? (Timings and Dosage)

Take this protein within 30 minutes of doing intense exercise. This is the sweet-spot if you really want to benefit from any protein powder.

I recommend mixing 1 packet of plant protein with 8-12 ounces of water, or almond milk.

How much does Ladder Plant Protein cost and is it worth it?

Ladder Plant Protein costs $50 for 15 servings which makes it just over $3 per serving. You can reduce the price by purchasing 45 servings worth for $100 (just over $2/serving). Again you can opt to subscribe which takes a further 20% off the total purchase amount. Is it worth it? YES.

View Plant Protein at

Ladder Superfood Greens review

What does Ladder Superfood Greens do and why would you use it?

Ladder Superfood Greens is perhaps my favorite plant-based product from Ladder Nutrition. I love the taste and the ingredients, it’s a daily supplement that makes me feel cleaner provided I take it regularly. I have tested similar superfood green powder drinks including the big ones like Athletic Greens and Organifi Green Juice, and this one is just as good as both of those.

This superfood drink has some of the world’s most vitamin and mineral-rich foods to supply your body with powerful nutrients from natural sources. These foods have been selected to fight daily stress, fill gaps in your diet, and protect your overall health.

Ladder’s Superfood Greens provides your body with a concentrated dose of the most essential nutrients that are hard to get in your diet, including magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, and Vitamin D to strengthen your body and improve your overall health from the inside out. It’s not always easy to notice the effects of supplements but with superfood mix drinks I really do. I notice clearer skin, improved mood level, consistent energy levels, and the mental benefits of knowing you’re feeding your body essential nutrients that can be hard to find in your daily diet without the help of a supplement like Superfood Greens.

One of the biggest threats to your health is stress. It’s connected to disease, aging, and weakened performance. You can’t always avoid stress but you can reduce it by doing mindful activities, one of my favorite things to do to relieve stress is to go out in nature for a trail run. In addition to Ladder’s selection of vegetables, they included Rhodiola root, which is a powerful adaptogen backed by studies to support immunity and help keep you healthier even when stress is high.

Ladder Nutrition Review [Arnie's Plant-Based Protein] (13)Amazon.comSee Deal

Last Amazon price update was: June 30, 2024 1:30 am

Superfood Greens Ingredients

Ladder Superfood Greens Ingredients

Please see above (to the right on a desktop) for the complete list of ingredients. Some key facts are listed below:

  • 2000mg Spirulina
  • 1000mg Matcha
  • 3000IU Vitamin D
  • 400mg Magnesium

How does Ladder Superfood Greens taste?

I really like the natural and healthy taste of Superfood Greens. The overwhelming taste that stands out to me is the matcha, which I like and the texture is not far off water.

How and When should you drink Ladder Superfood Greens? (Timings and Dosage)

You can add Ladder Greens at any point during the day although I take my superfood mix in the mornings. To use, just mix 1 packet of Greens with 8-12 ounces of water. It’s such a quick and easy way to get your daily nutrients in but remember this is a supplement and does not replace your healthy plant-based meals throughout the day.

How much does Ladder Superfood Greens cost and is it worth it?

Ladder Superfood Greens costs $50 for 15 servings which makes it just over $3 per serving. You can reduce the price by purchasing 45 servings worth for $100 (just over $2/serving). Again you can opt to subscribe which takes a further 20% off the total purchase amount. Is it worth it? YES!

View Superfood Greens at


I hope you enjoyed this Ladder Nutrition review (the Plant-Based edition :)), if you have any questions please drop them in the comments below.

Ladder Nutrition Review [Arnie's Plant-Based Protein] (2024)


Is Ladder protein safe? ›

GMPs require all dietary supplement ingredients to be tested for identity, purity, and potency. In addition, all Ladder products are NSF Certified and are tested to confirm compliance with Ladder product quality and safety specifications.

Is plant-based protein legit? ›

The myths that plant-based protein sources are high in carbs, can't build muscle, are of low quality are just a fallacies that float around nutrition circles. As plant-based proteins become more widely used around the world, more is uncovered about this viable and powerful source of amino acids.

Can you really get enough protein from plants? ›

When we think of protein, the first foods that come to mind are typically chicken, beef and maybe eggs. But what if you opt to get your protein from plants instead of animal sources? A diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, beans, soy foods, and nuts and seeds can provide enough protein.

What is the highest quality plant-based protein? ›

9 Best Plant-Based Protein Sources
  • Tofu. ...
  • Edamame. ...
  • Lentils. Protein per 1 cup cooked: 18 grams. ...
  • Chickpeas. Protein per 1 cup cooked: 15 grams. ...
  • Hemp Hearts. Protein per 3 tablespoons: 10 grams. ...
  • Soy Milk. Protein per 1 cup: 8 grams. ...
  • Quinoa. Protein per 1 cup cooked: 8 grams. ...
  • Pistachios. Protein per ¼ cup: 6 grams.
Apr 26, 2024

Is plant protein safe for kidneys? ›

The benefits of plant proteins go beyond sodium and fats; since they contain calcium, magnesium and vitamin C, eating plant proteins can reduce the acid load in meals, which can actually improve kidney function. Plant proteins can lead to fewer deaths from kidney disease.

What is the safest protein for kidneys? ›

As much as possible, just focus on plant-based changes around minimally processed protein choices—such as soy foods, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and lentils. These are better options for kidney health than highly processed faux meats or frozen dinners.

What are the side effects of plant-based protein? ›

Sometimes, plant-based protein powders, like those made from peas or using protein isolate, can be a bit rough on our stomachs. You might notice some gas, bloat, or just feel a bit off. It's usually because our bodies can find plant proteins a bit harder to break down.

Is plant-based protein inflammatory? ›

Plant-protein foods reduce inflammation.

Whole plant foods are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds. These foods are our primary sources of protective phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamin E, and healthful fats. Animal products tend to have pro-inflammatory effects.

Is plant-based protein powder good for seniors? ›

But you don't have to lean on animal products to get your fill. “Eating several servings of plant-based proteins every day can certainly help older adults meet their protein requirements,” says Taylor Wolfram, R.D.N. She's a registered dietitian nutritionist in Chicago specializing in vegan nutrition.

Is peanut butter and oatmeal a complete protein? ›

Peanut butter and oatmeal - an unlikely duo, but a combination that has become popular among many. You may be surprised to discover that this combination forms a complete protein source! Yes, you heard it right - this delicious concoction of two humble ingredients can offer the protein your body needs.

What happens if you only eat plant protein? ›

Plant-based protein decreases the risk of chronic diseases

While some lean meats can be good sources of protein, the American Heart Association reports that eating less meat decreases the risk of: Heart disease. High blood pressure (hypertension) High cholesterol.

Is avocado a complete protein? ›

Does Avocado Provide a Complete Protein? Avocado is a source of complete protein. 2 A complete protein contains all nine of the essential amino acids that your body does not produce on its own and must get from food.

Which protein is better than plant protein? ›

There is a general belief that animal-based proteins are superior to plant-based proteins; in reality, neither is better than the other – the best choice is the one that works with your dietary goals and needs. Both animal and plant-based proteins can be great options for all athletes of every demographic and sport.

Are chia seeds a complete protein? ›

“Soy is widely accepted as a complete protein, but other plant proteins such as hemp, chia, nutritional yeast, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, and spirulina are considered [by some experts] to be 'nearly complete'—they contain all nine essential amino acids, but some of the amino acids are very low in quantity,” McDaniel ...

What plant has the most complete protein? ›

Which foods are complete proteins?
  • Quinoa.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Hempseed.
  • Blue-green algae.
  • Soybeans.

Which protein is the safest? ›

The Healthiest Proteins
  • Chicken. Chicken has 31 grams of protein in about 3 cooked ounces, and it is an excellent source of lean protein. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Hempseeds. ...
  • Salmon. ...
  • Nuts and Seeds. ...
  • Bison.
Oct 21, 2023

Is ladder protein grass-fed? ›

Ladder Grass-Fed Whey Protein sets itself apart by being the only brand to include essential amino acids and branched-chain amino acids.

Do all protein powders have lead warning? ›

Protein & Multivitamins

While not every protein powder or multivitamin on the shelves has a Prop 65 warning, there's a good chance that many of them should. Protein powders are often plant-based, a common trigger for lead content.

What protein powder does LeBron use? ›

But LeBron does more than throw LADDER protein powder in a shaker with some water. He uses it in a protein shake that's soon to become one of your favorites. Get premium, high-quality protein you can trust with LADDER Whey and Plant Protein, part of LeBron's line of sports supplements.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.