The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)

Meet your friends for A cold beer at the under new management at 310 Del. Bob and Dot. -(Adv.) THIS THIS THAT Enrollment for Hazel Dell School will be Aug. 29 from 9-12 noon. The first day of school will be Sept.

3. Sandi Heffernan formerly at Gloria's is now at Freda's Beauty Salon, 1011 N. 7th Call MU 2-1020 for Nicoletta Saines is one of 36 women students at Kansas State University, Manhattan, who have been selected to be resident assistants in the freshman women's dormitories this year. Miss Saines daughter of Mrs. Ann P.

Saines, is a graduate of Leavenworth High School, She will be a sophom*ore at K-State where she is majoring in secondary education. Miss Saines is a member of the Student Education Association, Canterbury Association, and is the recipient of a Kiwanis scholarship. Diamond Horseshoe Bar now open for business at 305 Delaware. -(Adv.) Autos driven by James Earl Broom, Ft. Leavenworth, and Roy T.

Hedges, 603 N. Esplanade, collided at 3rd and Miami Wednesday. Both autos were driven from the scene. Home grown cantaloupes; watermelon, Wealthy apples. Burre Fruit Robert P.

Vanderhoff, Ft. Leavenworth, was ticketed for reckless driving today after his car struck a parked auto owned by Frank W. Battaile, 200 Columbia at 812 Spruce. Heading aids, sales and service, free hearing analysis, factory representative each Friday at The Gold Nugget, from 11 to 3, 420 Del. -(Adv.) Howard Lord, 616 9th reported Wednesday that someone stole some electrician's tools from his truck, parked at that address.

W. Rodenburg Grocery, 501 N. 4th open 'til 11 p.m. every Ross Hedrick, former assistant manager of the Leavenworth A supermarket, is new manager of the Atchison store. He was employed here for 15 years.

Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick and their 6- year-old son, Randy, plan to move to Atchison. Complete gunsmith service, reblueing, stock-making, reloading equipment, authorized Browning and Weatherby dealer. Complete line of Fishing Tackle.

Kappeas Sporting Goods, 404 Shawnee. (Adv.) For Sale Rene Dumont B-flat clarinet, almost new. MU (Adv.) Kay 'Colvin of Leavenworth was a top point winner in the Burlington Horse Show, held at the Coffey County Fair. Have your furnace cleaned now! Call Goodyear Roofing and HeatIng, MU Larry Matthews, Linwood, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the Air Force upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Tex. The lieutenant is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas I. Matthews, Linwood. The Flames playing this weekend at Toonerville tavern. -(Adv.) A local filling station operator says he is thinking of offering a new service to his customers.

He will re-fold their road maps for them. Thrift Shop at Fort Leav. re-open August 26, open Mondays thru Fridays from 1 to 4 p.m.-(Adv.) A retired Leavenworth businessman said he had a happy experience this morning. He knew the grass needed cutting after the recent rain so he got out the power mower. It wouldn't start SO he figures he has a perfect alibi for not working.

FUNERAL NOTICES Sexton Funeral Chapel 5th and Oak Phone MU 3-3500 BRUNE Mrs. Edith. Service will be 1 p.m. Friday at the Jarbalo Methodist church. Rev.

Walter Jones, pastor, will officiate, burial will be in Fail Creek cemetery. Friends may call at the Sexton until noon Friday. Westinghouse TV Rentals week or month. Low rates. lack Harris Appliances (Formerly Meyer Appliances) 217 So.

4th MU 2-0123 you dida't buy from Jack Harris. you paid toe much! Kansas Briefs Kansas Briefs By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP)-More bers of the Kansas Civil than 225 persons including Centennial Commission gathered here Wednesday for a luncheon marking the centennial of Quantrill's raid on Lawrence. They were told the city rosel from ashes and tears and sweat and the grim determination of 2-war-weary frontiersmen and that the America of tomorrow worth any sacrifice. The speaker was Dr.

James I. Robertson director of the National Civil War Centennial Commission. "You now enjoy the harvest of their WICHITA (AP)-The commandof a Wichita Veterans of Foreign Wars post, Clovis Kenneth Emrich, 37, was found shot to death in a ditch southeast of town late Wednesday. Sheriff H. M.

Tomlinson said Emrich apparently took his own life. A small caliber rifle with stock removed was found between his knees. The sheriff said Emrich, commander of the Over! There post. said to be the largest in the VFW, had been despondent over ill health. TOPEKA (AP)-Kansas traffic death log: 24 hours to 9 a.

m. Thursday --2. For August-40. For 1963--360. Comparable 1962 period-384.

JUNCTION CITY, Kan. (AP)first degree murder charge has been filed against a 35-year-old Negro cook at Ft. Riley in the death of his white wife. Spec. 5 William Shorter was arraigned late Wednesday before.

County Court Judge G. W. Schmidt and was held without bond for preliminary hearing Sept. 3. MILWAUKEE (AP)-Virgil Dechant of La Crosse, was elected Wednesday as a director Knights of Columbus.

the Supreme he Council of the Dechant succeeds Clarence Malone of Topeka. Authorities are in about who invented the Friedrich Buschmann, of Berlin, is credited with the instrument's invention by some, while others claim Cyrillus Damian, of Venice, invented it in 1829. Oceanic version of a waterfall a sandfall, formed when currents push sand down steep slides underwater canyons. Easton School Enrollment Is Set Aug. 30th Enrollment and classes for stu-! dents attending Easton Grade and High Schools will begin at 8:45 a.m.

on Aug. 30. New high school students or those who have not pre-enrolled should enroll at the Aug. 26-28, according to Keith Bray, Fees will. be collected on enrollment day.

Shop fee will be $5. Textbook rental fees which vary with the grade are: 1 $6: 2- 5 and and grades 7-12, $10. Buses will run on Aug. 30, but lunches will not be served until Sept. 3.

Grade school teachers will have an institute Aug. 27. High school teachers will gather at a faculty meeting on Aug. 29. Thirteen persons will be teaching at Easton this year.

They are Miss Anna Stewart, first; Mrs. Julie Brogan, second; Mrs. Mae, Hobbs, third; Mrs. Lois Tosh and Mrs. Virginia Williams, fourth; Mrs.

Dorcas Brautigan, fifth and sixth, and Mrs. Charles Demmon, seventh and eighth. High school teachers are John Painter, social studies: Tom Twyman; math and science: Mrs. Helen Hansen, and Latin; Mrs. Bonnie Clinkingbeard, home economics and commerce; Glen Schuler, coach and commerce, and Warren Wickham, industrial arts and driver education.

Sees Need For Christians To Unify Efforts "Throughout the world the Christian churches, which have long been broken up into many denominations and often at cross-pur-1 poses, show definite signs of drawing closer Rotarians were told Wednesday at their weekly meeting. The speaker was the Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Athanasius, missionary bishop of the Mar Thoma Syto Church of India. He was introduced by Dr.

A. Willard beck. The bishop told of the need for more unity among the Christian religions and for them to consolidate and strengthen their position against hostile forces in a world that is in a constant state of turImoil today. The speaker explained his work among the churches and missionaries in the Orient and of. the vast good he thought the organizations were accomplishing there.

He said that he found many signs that the is Mohammedans saw the Christians having religious beliefs in com- of las mon with them that would enable them to join forces in spiritual coordination. Col. (ret) James W. Davis, former commandant of the USDB at Ft. Leavenworth, and former president of the local Rotary Club, was introduced by Henry Sommers who presented Davis with a pas president's plaque.

Davis lives in Gainesville, Fla. Charles A. Bless of Weston was a visiting Rotarian. Other guests were Robert Yeargan, son of Gordon Yeargan, and Givens of Denver, guest of Fred Bohm. THE LEAVENWORTH TIMES, U.S., 4 Allied Officers Arrive On Visit, Talk Maj.

Gen. Edward L. Rowny of the Department of the Army in Washington and three members of his staff were at the fort today. General Rowny, special assistant for tactical mobility in the office of the assistant chief of staff for force development at the Pentagon, was here to address the college's staff and faculty and bers of the Combined Arms Group. Three officers from the Royal Nigerian Army are visiting at the post.

Here for a three-day visit are Brig. Zachary Maimalari, cOMmander of the 2nd Brigade: Lt. Col. Hillary Mbilitem Njoku, operations officer at headquarters; and Capt. Christopher Igbomba Anu-1 foro, company officer with the 1'C- connaissance squadron.

Following visit to the Truman! Library, Independence, the officers will be guests at a stag dinner this evening. hosted by Maj. Gen. Harry J. Lemley Jr.

The visitors will meet with the Assistant Commandant of the college. send, Brig. Gen. Elias C. prior to leaving the post Friday.

Brigadier C. E. Long, comman-1 dant of the Australian Army College, is at Ft. Leavenworth for a one-week visit to the college. Throughout the week he is 10 be briefed on various phases of college activities and sit in on a number of classroom sessions and departmental discussions.

He will also tour the fort and Bell Hall, as well as receive an orientation on the Combined Arms Group. Hospital Notes Visiting Hours: 2-4 p.m. p.m. No children under 14 ST. JOHN'S Born Wednesday: A son to Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Gould, 1930 S. Broadway. Admitted Wednesday: Edward Meyer, Bean Lake, George Goetz, RR 4, James Higgins, 1. Dismissed Wednesday: Mrs.

Lorna Brooks, Platte City, Miss Frances Visocsky, 1121 Mrs. Lenny Rae Barnes and son, Winchester, and James Connelly, 911 Metropolitan. CUSHING Born today: a son Ito Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Winkle, RR 4.

Admitted Wednesday: Mrs. Burnam, Valley Falls; Miss Vann, RR Mrs. Sally Olan908 Spruce; Arthur Preston, 1026 Kiowa; William Grier, Pratt, Mrs. Thelma Geisen, -AttentionKnights of Columbus FAMILY PICNIC Sunday, August 25 St. Joseph Church Parish Hall Serving 4:30 6:00 P.M.

Bring Covered Dish and Table Service. Games and Prizes for, the Kiddies. FOR THRIFTY FOOD BUYS SHOP AT SOUTHSIDE MARKET Block South of 4th and Limit Open 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Parking Space -Back of Store Steak Sale Round Steak jvicy Tender, Lb.

79c Sirloin Steak Boneless Lb. 89c T-Bone Steak Removed Lb. 99c Pork Cutlets Whole Fryers Lb. Lb. 298 Whole Kernel 303 Libby's Corn or Cream Style 2 cans 39c Libby's Tomato Juice 46-01.

Can 3 for $1 Miracle Whip Quart Jar 49c 5-Lb. Sugar Bag 59c Thursday Evening, August 22, 1963. Five The county commissioners had five-minute session with the Board of Tax Appeals in Topeka Wednesday. The board gave the commissioners an okay to levy 3.9844 mills for the general fund for 1963. State law requires a hearing before the tax board before an excess of 3 mills may be levied for the general fund.

XL Shoe Repair Shop Aug. 23, noon. -(Adv.) John Bateson, 16, Tonganoxie, pleaded not guilty Wednesday in City Court to a charge of failure to reduce speed to an accident: Hearing is set for Sept. 6. Tour packages to New York, Las Vegas, Bahafhas, Hawaii, or individually planned tours to any vacation spot of your choice.

Mary Kern Travel, MU Paul 27, Ft. Riley, was found guilty of speeding Wednesday in City Court. He was fined $10 plus costs. The offices of Dr. C.

F. Watts now located at 518 Cherokee, first door east of parking -(Adv.) Bruce Patterson has been ed a divorce from Marilyn Patterson on grounds of gross neglect of duty. Custody of their two children was given to Patterson until July 1, 1964, and then custody is to be given to the mother. They were married on Oct. 2, 1954, at Ft.

Devins, Mass. Scotch-mixed doubles. Fri. nite at 9. Crown Lanes, 418 Cher.

(Adv.) Local baseball fans are pondering the annual question. Who's going to finish second to the Yankees in the American League race? John's barber service now open at 525 Cherokee with all new barber equipment. John Stiglmire and Tom DeMoss, -(Adv.) A large Kansas City bank is advertising on television that it will loan $6,000 $6 million but it doesn't say to Happy Hollow Lake family night, Friday, 23 at 8 p.m. Members and guests. -(Adv.) Ted Overfield and his brother, are fishing for car owners who need brakes relined.

All four drums relined for just nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents at Auto Service Center, 720 Virgil I. and Ethel Morey filed suit Wednesday in District Court against Francis and Juanita man. They charged a breach of contract. and requested repossession of real estate and court: costs. Garage Sale 5th and -Kickapoo, N.E.

corner, Saturday, August 24, 9 a.m. Good used clothing, all sizes; toys, and miscl. items, in- a few pieces of used fur-(Adv.) The St. Joseph News-Press observes that in so few cases are a fast talker and a fast worker the same person. Freezing or canning beans.

Beachcomber Shoppe, 2109 So. 4th. -(Adv.) Katherne Farr, RR 2, has filed suit for divorce in District Court from Byron Farr on grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty. She requests alimony and support and custody of their two children. They were married July 28, 1955, at Platte City.

Moonlight doubles, Sat. nite at' 10. Crown Lanes, 418 Cherokee. Winners will shoot at 6-7 split for $5 Joseph Kroll, 35, Topeka, was fined $15 plus costs Wednesday in City Court. He was found guilty of speeding.

Happy Hollow Lake family night, Friday, Aug. 23 at 8 p.m. Members and ALL SMILES Camille Bonanno of Newark, N. 17, has been selected. as Miss Italian-American from a field of 70 contestants at New Jersey's Palisades Park.

(AP Wirephoto) a Robert Jones, 33, Topeka, was fined $15 Wednesday in City Court. He was ticketed for speeding. Men's quality watches, $12.75. Gold Nugget, 420 -(Adv.) The address of Richard Stewart, reported Wednesday as 217 Pottawatomie, is 227 Pottawatomie. It you do not receive your Times by 6:15 p.m.

call MU Krog-2-0305. Give your name and address, and please do not call before 6.15 or later than 7:00 p.m. On Sundays call between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. For a change of address call before 2 p.m. Ft.

Leavenworth subscribers call Elmer Fowler, MU 2-7621 and one will be deliyered to you. of matter Fact A small island named If is in the Mediterranean off the south coast of France, about two miles southwest of Marseilles. Its fortress prison, the Chateau d'If, was built by Francis I in the early 16th century and was made famous by Alexander Dumas in his novel, "The Count of Monte Cristo." INK MAN Lansing Superette 108 Main St. On Highway 73 Lansing, Kansas Prices Good Through Saturday, August 24th T. V.

Fully COOKED HAMS Portion, Shank 39 Butt Portion, Center Slices, Lb. 79c LEMONADE Tip-Top Brand. Can 6-O1. 10c -Lb. RED POTATOES 10 Bag 49c Par-Pak WHOLE APRICOTS 4 No.

Cans 89c Kraft's SALAD MUSTARD 12-Oz. Jar BUTTER-NUT COFFEE Can 1-b. (With Purchase of 4 Light Bulbs) land Spruce: Mrs. Mildred Thur- Platte City; John Niemann, Parkman. 303 5th Mrs.

Mary ville. and Miss Kenna Olsen, Harre, Farley, Billy Whitting-603 Maple Ave. ion. Oskaloosa, and Mrs. Floy Dovel, Dearborn, Mo.

Dismissed Wednesday: Mrs. Ber- Herbert Hoover is the longesttha Stratemeyer, Platte City; Otto lived U.S. president since John Doerle, 421 Miami; Mrs. Lillian Adams, according to Britannica of Bergman, 228 Walnut; Carl Porter, Book of the Year. Schreiber's Grocery Southwest Corner 12th and Ottawa Ste.

MEAT SPECIALS SLICED BACON Pramium Swift's Lb. 59c SLICED BOLOGNA Swift's Premium Lb. 49c PORK STEAK Stices Lean Lb. 39c LEAN GROUND BEEF lb. 45c BUTCH'S SAUSAGE Pork Pure lb.

39c CHUCK ROAST U. Choice S. lb. 49c Round Bane ROAST or SWISS lb. 59c CHUCK STEAK Choice U.S.

15. 49c GROCERY SPECIALS Hills Bros. COFFEE Lb. 59c Kraft French Dressing 8-Ox. BAl.

25c Peanut Butter Peter Pan Jar 28-Oz. 57c JELL-O Flavors All 3 Boxes 29c B-3-Q BEANS Campbell's 303 Cans 63c SARDINES In Monarch Tomato Oval Sauce 25c WAXTEX Wax Paper Roll 19c Flavor-Kist CRACKERS Box TOMATO SOUP Can 10c -Fresh Fruits and VegetablesHome Grown POTATOES 10 Lbs. 39c HEAD LETTUCE Head 15c CELERY Crisp, Tender Stalk 15c NEW CABBAGE Lb. 8c WATERMELONS Home Ice Cold Grown lb. 4c OPEN WEEKDAYS: HE FOOD BASKET 813 Cherokee Phone 2-0721 Free Delivery, to All Parts of City It's Cheaper to Shop by Phone Call Us Nowl Store Hours 7 AM.

to 6 P.M. Butter- Coffee can 1-Lb. 59c and Brown or Powdered 1-Lb. Sugar 2 Pkgs. 39c Jell-0 All flavors.

3 Pigs. 29c Libby's Fresh Pack Sweet Cucumber Slices 22-oz. jar 39c Good Value Creamy Peanut Butter 18-oz. jar 49c New! P.D.Q. Chocolate Beads Instant pleasing drink.

Also fine for. toppings. 14-oz. bottle Tall Rainbow Salmon Can 59c Vanilla Rainbow brand. 4-oz.

bottle 15c Good Value Black Pepper 4-oz. can 29c Rainbow -Lb. Shortening 3 can 65c Fresh, Snow-White Cauliflower Large 29c U.S. No. 1 Red Potatoes 10 Lbs.

49c Wilson's or Armour's Smoked Picnics Lb. 41c Corn King Sliced Bacon tb. 55c Steaks Sirloin T-Bone. 'or lb. 98c Pork Cutlets Lb.

59c GROUND BEEF 2 Lbs..

The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.